
Welcome to Hinesburg Community School Parent/Family/Community Blog!!
We are very excited about this opportunity to connect with our families and community members through this blog.
We hope you will visit often to see our postings about meetings, upcoming events and opportunities to get involved.

Thank you!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May 6 Meeting Notes

In attendance:  Heidi Bouchard, Jim Goldsmith, Bob Goudreau, Sally Feussner, Kate Dodge, Doug Stewart,  Frank Twarog, Sarah Murphy, Tracy Monniere, Susan Bergeron, Ali Douglas

Grade Placement Process
Presented by Bob Goudreau

·      Hinesburg Community School has a model of single-grade levels (not looping or multi-age levels) for curriculum content efficacy.
§  In middle school, teachers teach multi-age group, but by grade. This way one teacher focuses on their subject (math, science, or language arts).
·      In the beginning of the spring, placement forms are sent to parents for their input.  Current classroom teachers also provide information about the student to support placement.
§  Consideration is given to boy: girl ratio, mix of learning needs, supports needed, social groupings, etc
·      Children who might need more assistance and support in transitioning between grades, will get the support they need and start earlier than the majority of their classmates in this process.
o   Most students participate in “move up day” in June; a day in which students go to their new classroom and meet their new teachers.
·      By the end of May, the school team has a good idea of class arrangements for the following year.
·      In the past, incoming kindergarten students have come in for a “practice day” of sorts…and current kindergarten students had the day/afternoon off.
§  This year, incoming kindergarten students will come in August to have a day at school to help determine classroom placement.

School Board Update
·      Bob reviewed the content of last month’s school board meeting.  Incoming kindergarten class size and current 4th grade class size make certain arguments for additional staff; however, the 2013-2014 budget has been approved.
·      This Wednesday (May 8th) Bob will give his proposals to the school board.
o   It was suggested that, based on the agenda, that people should arrive at 8 pm, as the meeting won’t be open for public comment until at least that point.
·      Discussion was had about the May 29th school board meeting to decide whether or not Hinesburg will vote on the school budget using Australian ballot.

PIE Committee Updates:

·      Staff Appreciation Committee:
o   Teacher Appreciation Week (THIS WEEK!)
§  Sally and Bob shared their appreciation (and that of their colleagues) for the chalk messages written from on the pavement from the parking lot to the school.
§  We reviewed the week’s events… a small treat will be made available for ALL staff EACH day!
·      Help is still needed for Friday’s potluck lunch for teachers.
·      Wellness Committee:
o   Looking for a grant to make a walking trail around the school/ athletic field with activity stations.
o   Starter seeds are growing in the flex space; to be planted soon.
o   Blueberry beds are prepped and Andrea Morgante will come later on and help students plant the plants.
o   The composting program is moving into some classrooms as well.
o   Deb Bissonette is working on revision of recipes to meet Federal Guidelines.
o   Fuel Up to Play 60 grant was won. This grant supports physical education and doing food education/recipe sampling.

·      Fund Raising Committee:
o   Golf Tournament:
§  Sunday, May 19th at Cedar Knoll. Good sponsorship and prizes have been gathered; however, we’re short on golfers.
§  E-mail Kate if you’d like some “match making help” in creating teams. Please help spread the word!!
o   Lake Monster Game on August 11th
§  A good response was had for this event! You can still order more tickets by calling the Lake Monster office to support the school.
·      Note: Tickets that are bought can be exchanged for any other dates as well.
·      Celebrations:
o   Today first graders went to Shelburne Farms; an amazing time was had by all!
o   May 9 (Thursday)  is the 4th grade science fair.
o   Third grade is working on their Rain Forest project; the classes are looking more like jungles each day!

·      Calendar Alerts:
o   May 8, School Board Meeting at CVU
o   May 9th, 4th grade science fair.
o   May 19, Golf Tournament
o   June 13, 8th grade graduation
o   August 11, HCS night at the Lake Monsters

PIE Meetings to be held on the first Monday of the month at 6 pm   (Next meeting June 3rd)

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