
Welcome to Hinesburg Community School Parent/Family/Community Blog!!
We are very excited about this opportunity to connect with our families and community members through this blog.
We hope you will visit often to see our postings about meetings, upcoming events and opportunities to get involved.

Thank you!

Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1 Meeting Notes

PIE  Meeting Notes – Monday, October 1, 2012

In attendance:  Jim Goldsmith, Carla Wuthrich, Kitty Frazier, Heidi Bouchard, Barbara Galgon, Sally Feussner, Betsy Knox, Kate Dodge, Frank Twarog, Kim Gordon, Bob Goudreau, Joy O’Neil, Renee Durochia, Doug Stewart, Sarah Murphy, Alicia Vert, Rachel Kring, Ali Douglas, Alyssa Lasher

1.    Welcome and Introductions

2.    Assessment Review Presentation
·       Assessments are the tool used to see how well instruction and curriculum are impacting the learning and understanding of our students. Test scores can help adjust teaching applications used to help better learn.
·      Betsy Knox (Literacy Coordinator) and Nancy Pollack (Math Coordinator) represent HCS for Chittenden South Supervisory Union when curriculum programs are being discussed and decided upon.
·      Betsy Knox shared handouts while she gave a Power Point presentation: the information will be posted on the website along the with tonight’s notes.
o   We understand how well students are learning based on classroom performance/assessment, common local assessments, and state assessments.
o   New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) is always given in October.
§  Oct 9-12 grades 6,7,8 testing in reading, math, and writing (grade 8 only tests for writing)
§  October 12-19 grades 3,4,5 (reading. Math, and writing (grade 5 only tests for writing).
§  (Science will be tested in April.)
§  You can help your child by: helping with good nutrition, rest, and helping them build stamina and perseverance with the testing process.
·      The reading test is roughly 45 minutes; students need to self-pace themselves (and not to get “stuck” on one item).
·      Extra time can be given if needed; there is no “hard” time in which pencils need to be put down.
·      Important way that parents can reinforce is asking questions like: “How do you know?”, “What is the evidence?”, “Can you justify that response?”
·      The question was come up about students being “taught to the test”.  Betsy and Sally agreed that teaching “test taking strategies” is definitely occurring in classroom. The complexity and thinking of the work needed to solve the problems is prompting students to think more globally and to develop a logical line of thinking to share knowledge.
·      The specific grade level expectations being tested are unknown from year-to-year; however, things like writing a well-constructed paragraph are strategies teachers can anticipate.
·      Teachers cannot help students during the tests and they cannot see the tests after students are done with them.  There are strict guidelines as to how much and what kind of help teachers can offer.
·      Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) will be coming to our state.
o   As the Common Core has been adopted by the State of Vermont, the testing will shift to fit these. 
o   CSSU is focusing on the  “informational text” aspect of the Common Core teaching strategies.
o    Spring of 2014 will be the first SBAC testing completed at HCS/CSSU. 
o   The format of these tests is yet unknown.
·      Local assessments include the Benchmark Assessment System (BAS), Math Fact Fluency, CSSU on Demand Writing.
o   Ways you can help your child succeed includes the suggestions as above as well as supporting a regular routine for practice of homework and increased tolerance to doing reading/written work.
·      Data points and grade level expectations are laid out for each grade level. 
·      Some data points are used as screening tools and not all students are given locally based assessment on a frequent basis.
·      Jupiter Grades starts at 5th grade, but is slowly working its way down to the lower grade levels.

Celebrations, Save the Dates, and “Did you knows?”
·      Spelling Bee for grades 5-8 in Williston; any student who is interested can participate.
·      Staff Appreciation surveys are out; hope to get folks together in the next week or two to review results and sketch out a calendar
·      Maureen Locker is doing food sampling in each classroom (thanks to grant money received by the Wellness Committee)
·      Walking mileage club started today (Oct 1st). Kids can log their mileage and get cool “feet” necklaces.
·      Farm to School Program has started; first order came this week!
·      Visiting teacher from Thailand at HCS and spending time with each class.
·      October 8th 4th graders going to Shelburne Farm to work on their geology unit.
·      Each 4th grader will have their own Blog this year.
·      6th grade is working with their own iPads.
·      6th grade is working on Crossing the Wire (a book about a Mexican boy crossing the border) and “buying stocks” to learn about the stock market.
·      Betsy is also using iPad technology for making presentations to combine information from multiple sources.
·      Penguin Plunge will be a 6th grade (optional) fund raising effort for Special Olympics… students 5th grade to adult are welcomed to join in the fun!

·      When do curriculum meetings happen and can parents participate?
o   There are multiple layers of curriculum meetings, many might not be appropriate for parents as time is spent analyzing data.
o   If there is a large interest, creating a curriculum night is a possibility. It could be done by grade level or showing a more global progression of skills learned in what sequence.
§  In the future (2013), Open House might be more of a curriculum night. Stay tuned.

Help Wanted:
·      October 2nd (8-11 am) help doing vegetable prep is needed in the cafeteria. Contact Deb Bissonette… or just show up!
·      Looking for parents and older students to help serve dinner at the Open House Dinner; contact Kelli Brown or Deb if you’re interested.
·      Looking for parents to volunteer in the cafeteria on Tuesdays (approximately 11-1pm). Contact Kelli or Deb for more information and to sign up!
·      Music teacher looking for folks to help laminate class materials. Contact DSertz@cssu.org if you can help!

§  PIE Committee Updates:
·      K-5 Performance:  (Joy O’Neil is heading this effort)
o   For next year, a K-2 performance will be connected along with the 6-8 drama. (For example, if drama is doing Wizard of Oz, the younger kids can sing Oz songs prior to the performance)
o   Also looking at opportunities for students in grades 3-5 to get on stage, share their talents and build their confidence.
o   Currently there is no money to support this.
o   This year several grades have plans for larger shows to do in-house. Talked about opening these shows to parents, so children can perform to a larger audience.
o   Contact Joy if you have ideas on ways to raise money, a project to produce, or any other ideas.

·      Fundraising Committee:
o   Meadow Farms orders due today. This Thursday at 6 pm, folks will be tallying results and sending out the final order. (No additional help needed at this time).
o   Initial organizing has happened for a bake sale on Election Day. Stay tuned for a link to Sign Up Genius so you can help/participate!
o   Box Tops labels ongoing. First round is ending Oct 22nd.
o   Book Fair happening the first week in December. Sign up Genius will be going around (and in the Viking) for information as it develops.

·      Staff Appreciation:
o   Staff bulletin board is up (outside the office).  Great first project for our group!
o   Also, the library used our “volunteer search” to get help stuffing information into packets. Looking forward to doing more of these kinds of “take home” volunteer projects.

·      Wellness Initative Team:
o   Maureen Locker is visiting classrooms with food samplings…ask your child if she’s been in and what they tried.
o   Walking Mileage club started today (Oct 1). Children are able to document their distance traveled at designated times (motor breaks, recess, etc) and they can earn tokens for each set amount traveled.
o   Looking for parents to organize a snowshoe club. The school has 24 pairs that are being under-utilized.
o   Farm to School program has begun!

PIE Meetings to be held on the first Monday of the month at 6 pm.  November 5th is our next meeting.

Box Tops

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