
Welcome to Hinesburg Community School Parent/Family/Community Blog!!
We are very excited about this opportunity to connect with our families and community members through this blog.
We hope you will visit often to see our postings about meetings, upcoming events and opportunities to get involved.

Thank you!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 10, 2012 mtg. notes

In attendance:  Jim Goldsmith, Carla Wuthrich, Kim Gordon, Jen Prue, Frank Tworg, Brent Bordeaux, Erin Murray, Chrysanna Burke, Heidi Bouchard, Kate Dodge, Allen Monniere, Greg Glade, Sarah Murphy, Rachel Kring, Jeff Volzer, Mike Hopwood, Gary Miller, Robin Miller, Aimee Babbott, Alecia Vint, Miranda Johnson, Alyssa Lasher, Bob Goudreau, Tracy, Alicia Depot.

1.    Welcome and Introductions

2.    What is PIE?
·      Kate spoke about PiE
o   A way to stay connected to the school and share information in a more meaningful way
o   PIE is Partners In Education (parents, educators, administration, and staff)
o   Fundraising is not the only purpose of PIE (although it is something we do). There are several initiatives for enrichment of students and volunteer opportunities for various projects.
o   PIE meetings are the first Monday of the month. The first hour is an informational session and conversation about a specific topic (see website for listing of topics). The second hour is more specific “work” and planning for projects happening this school year.

3.    Kindergarten 101
·      All Kindergarten teachers have Blogs (see links on HCS website). Weekly newsletters, e-mails, and notes are all great ways that teachers use to keep in touch.
·      Kindergarten is the “Early Explorers” Team on the website
·      Alyssa gave a demonstration of the Smart Board that is used in each kindergarten classroom.
·      A large backpack is recommended (especially in the winter to hold winter clothing and boots). PLEASE LABEL ALL WINTER CLOTHING!
·      UFO bag (unidentified fantastic object) is something each student does. This allows a student to bring in something from home for classmates to guess and share. Toys are okay for this, but otherwise, kids are asked to keep their toys at home.
·      A folder goes home nightly. Announcements, class work, and notes go home (or to school) in these and should be checked daily. Folders are used in grades K-5; so it is a good habit as a family to create in checking the folders daily.
·      Classes are trying to get more paperless; please let your child’s teacher know if you can’t get information via email.
·      On Phys Ed days kids are asked to wear sneakers.
·      Kindergarten has lunch at noon. A morning snack time is made in each classroom. Snack milk or juice can be purchased from the cafeteria for $.50. You can pay using cash or using the online system.
o   Some kids are confused whether they are supposed to get milk (some think it’s free). Parents, feel free to share your preferences for your child with their teacher.

·      Top  (unintentional) secrets of HCS:
o   Folders and e-mail are checked everyday to receive notes from parents. E-mails are checked daily, but not necessarily throughout the day. Folders are the best way to share information for things happening THAT DAY.
§  Notes are required for bus changes. Call the office if the change needs be to made that day.
o   You can leave a phone message for the teacher; however, it’s helpful to re-call the office to let them know you left a message for the teacher if it’s an urgent message.
o   If a parent/guardian is not there to meet the child at the bus stop, the child will continue to ride the bus and come back to school. The bus will radio the message to the office who will send out a call to the parents at the numbers listed at the office. The school and the buses keep in communication throughout the route and can address problems immediately if they arise.
o   Children’s birthdays are celebrated. There are no peanut allergies in kindergarten this year. Cupcakes, fruit-kabobs, fruit, muffins are all options for snack treats. Contact your teacher for numbers and setting up details.
o   All kindergarten parents are welcome to volunteer in the classroom. If you volunteer you need to fill out a form, sign in and get a nametag so that staff know that you’re supposed to be in the building.
o   If you need to bring your child in late or sign them out early do so at the office. The office will call your child out of the classroom.
o   Parking for drop off/pick up is available on the side and lower parking lots. The front is for the buses only. Some parents park at St Jude’s or by Papa Nicks and walk across the street with their kids.

·      Posted Questions (and those asked) were answered:
o   Does someone help my child in the lunch line? Yes. Teachers are more hands on for the first 2 weeks in navigating the lunch line. Teachers can always be made available to help for the first time they try it (even if it’s later in the year).
o   Are kindergartners able to do sports? There are no formal sports at HCS for kindergarten. The Rec Dept has sports for kids in kindergarten. School sponsored sports start in the 6th grade.
o   Where do the kids go when there is a fire drill? Teachers will try to prepare kindergartners ahead of time. Kids line up and go to St. Jude’s church. They line up in the parking lot, but during bad weather they go inside.
§  There are also occasional “lock down” drills. In this case, it is announced over the loudspeaker. Children gather in one spot in the classroom, doors are locked, police come through to make sure people are where they are supposed to be, then the end of drill is announced over the loudspeaker. Kindergartners are pre-taught what will happen and time is allowed afterwards to briefly talk about what’s happening in these drills. E-mails are often sent home afterwards to share that a lock down drill happened and to share what language is used with the children.
o   ALERT NOW is used to notify parents of urgent/timely news (snow days, early dismissals, closing of the buses to “the hills”, etc).
o   What do I do if my child is sick? If they are sick at home, call the office AND the classroom teacher to share the information.
§  If kids are sick at school, they go to the nurses and she will help determine if a call needs to go to a parent or not. As the teachers get to know the child better, they can help figure out when they need to go to the nurse as well.
o   Is there a better time than another if my child needs to go to appointments? If they miss the beginning of school they will be marked “tardy” (even if it’s an excused absence). In kindergarten, work is more easily caught up; this gets harder as children gets older. If more than 5 tardy’s are accrued, a letter will be sent home (as mandated by the Dept of Education).
§  Official start time for the day is 8:05 am. The cafeteria is open to receive students before school starts. Going to the classroom earlier than 7:50 is at the discretion of the teacher.

Adjourned to Flex Space for next segment of the PIE meeting.
Welcoming of people coming for 2nd session:  Kelli Brown, Elizabeth Garvey and Doug Stewart were introduced.

PIE Committee Updates:
·      Fundraising Committee: Kim Gordon and Alicia Depot are co-chairs.
o   Working on increasing structure and predictability around fund raising
o   Money raised is shared with teachers through our Funds Distribution Plan (posted on web).  HCS teachers/staff can also apply to PiE for grants twice a year.
o   Box Tops, Meadow Farms, Scholastic Book Fair,Golf Tournament and Open House dinner have been traditional fundraisers.
o   You can go to the PIE section of the HCS website to see all planned fundraisers, how the money is distributed, and other useful info.
o   The Fundraising Committee needs volunteers to help with events and projects.
·      Staff Appreciation: Ali Douglas is the chair. This year this group intends to provide small offerings of appreciation to teachers/staff and to help coordinate the needs of teachers with volunteers.
o   Recent project is to create the staff introduction bulletin board.
o   Looking to gather opportunities for volunteers who can help within the school day and volunteers to help with “take home” projects (cutting out items, organizing binders, etc)
·      Wellness Iniative Team:
o   Previously called the Nutrition Committee
o   Handout shared with mission statement, past projects, and ongoing areas of interest (cafeteria, garden, health)
o   Garden News:
§  Garden harvests have been incorporated into food used in the cafeteria. Part Two helps maintain the garden and harvest.
§  Temporary green house donated by Gardeners Supply; 2nd grade will be exploring and helping to maintain this this year.
§  Worm composter also now in Mrs. Stanton’s room.
§  Things coming up this year: 2 composters will be gained (with hopes of this project growing over the years); picnic tables will be bought for the garden for kids to eat/teach outside, blueberry garden.
o   Cafeteria Updates:
§  Vermont Education Institute is participating with HCS for a one-year partnership focusing on nutrition education and phys. Ed. At the end of the year, we will apply for a national program.
§  Deb Bissonette is very open for questions, suggestions, and input about the cafeteria program.
§  Family surveys were done last spring, student surveys will come up this year.
§  Parents are volunteering in the cafeteria (chopping fruit and vegetables) and being cafeteria coaches.
o   Maureen Locker will be coming to each classroom this year to teach about nutrition and to offer “new foods” for children to try.
o   Harvest dinner will be at Open House, with volunteers from upper grades asked to help.
o   First Annual Wellness Fair will be held this year. Each class will have a project to share/offer around health and nutrition. This will be open to parents, partnering businesses, and the community.
o   Cooking for Life program will be offered for students in 5-8th grades. They will learn how to make meals, and be given the ingredients to make it at home.
o   King Arthur Bread is doing a program here on how to make bread.

·      Communication/PR Committee
o   Kate Dodge is the committee at the moment. She would love help with PIE updates for the Viking, sharing information between grades/teachers and website updates.

·      Grade Level Reps:
o   Roles available for immediate filling. Grade reps usually share information at PIE meetings from a “chunk” of 1-2 grades. This can be shared in a variety of ways and is usually done in a way that makes the most sense for the person being the rep. (lots of flexibility hre). Chunks are K-2, 3-5 and 6-8.

Celebrations, Did You Knows, and Help Wanted:
o   K-4 performance is in the works for this fall.  Anyone interested in helping, please contact Kate.  We hope to do a theatre performance (a play) in the fall of 2013.  
o   One student had cherry tomatoes in the garden and loved them…asked for them at home!
o   Jen shared that 6th graders are receiving iPads, which will be incorporated into classroom for enriched learning. Teachers have been working on learning apps.
o   5th graders got band instruments today!
o   School Information tab on HCS web site can help you navigate to information.
o   Calendar tab on the HCS homepage has school-wide calendar on Google Calendars…check it out!
o   HCS will be included in engineering week this year. This will happen in late winter for 7/8 grades (possibly grades 5/6). Engineers from the community will come to the school to do prepared lessons/projects with the kids.
o   Sign Up Genius is a common way that committees seek and organize volunteers. Setting up an account is free and you won’t get more e-mail from them!
PIE Meetings to be held on the first Monday of the month at 6 pm   (Next meeting October 1st)

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